Il salone accoglie arts&arts edizione 2012

Il salone accoglie arts&arts edizione 2012
Elena Amodei

The third edition of “Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro” will take place from 8th  of November to 10th of November in the Fortezza da Basso, Florence. This is an international exhibition which represents the cutting edge of Art and Restoration field and also this year is included in the Settimana Internazionale dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali (Florens 2012).

To pay tribute to a vital art culture “Salone” 2012 has planned an Area dedicated to the works of many contemporary artists.

The artists will have an International showcase, cultural spaces of the highest level and an eager and specialized audience.

In an universe where the crisis is spreading everywhere the Art plays a key role both in the denunciation of the malaise of modern society and as lifeline in a world where the material values are undergoing an sudden and uncontrollable degradation. In the International market the interest in the art investment is one of the most quoted options. The works of art don’t go trhough the influence of the stock market or finance world and, thanks to their not-economic nature, they maintain and increase their value.

Those previous reasons in addiction to the great interest excited by the past edition of Arts&Arts has urged the “Salone” to dedicate an entire section to contemporary art. The artists will have the possibility to exhibit their art works in the ancient and beautiful Fortezza da Basso, a place full of history where takes place all the most important Florentine events.


Thanking to the open dialogue with some important Italian and foreign cultural associations and artists the Area will become a comparison laboratory with authors coming from different countries and experiences, a foundry of new techniques and artistic productions.

Subject to agreement with the artistic direction the artists could have places to meet the audience, organize performances or artistic and cultural events, video-art screenings etc.

A team of experts will organize this place with a secretary aimed at welcoming, helping, giving information and distributing leaflets about the artists.

Elena Amodei


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