Workshop professionale di fotografia in Italia

Workshop professionale di fotografia in Italia

Study Program “NATURAL LIGTH”, Portrait and Fashion Photography Workshop with Natural Light:

During recent years, fashion and glamour photography has increasingly shifted away from the false and formal setting of the studio towards greater use of real-life locations and natural lighting.

A truly glamorous fashion or “beauty” picture often needs an exotic setting, and that means meeting the challenges of outdoor photography, from the sun’s brightness to overhanging clouds.

This workshop provides the skills required by every photographer to get the very best results from daylight – the most versatile and challenging re source at the photographer’s disposal.

Controlling the light, add to it, block it off, or reflect it to create the right alluring look with the help of internationally acclaimed photographer, Mark Abouzeid.

Here’s the whole process of conducting a fashion shoot, from the choice of location to the time of day and techniques employed.

There’s a wealth of different ways to manipulate and artificially enhance the light to create a mood, flatter the subject, and catch the eye.

The broad range of practical application drawn from editorial and commercial photography will prove invaluable to any photographer.



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